Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Life Keeps Rolling On

This weekend the Mr., the Miss and I ventured into Jackson, MS to witness one of the biggest events in my young nephew's life- his Bar Mitzvah. 

I, for one, was headed into uncharted territory, having never attended one these events but I understood its importance. This was a celebration of my young nephew passing into young-adulthood. He was the first nephew born into our family and his arrival to a large degree marked the first sign that adulthood for all us kids had arrived. It doesn't seem possible that 13 years have come and gone, yet here we are.

was proud of him this weekend. He's lived so little. He's seen so little. But this weekend before the parties commenced he led the services in Hebrew with poise and grace. His speech was clever, witty and well delivered. When he's had a little more life under his belt I imagine he will be even better with a crowd. During his party he acted the most like a teenager I'd seen yet. 

When my sister and I threatened to dance with him he gave us the most withering expression and headed off to another region of the dance floor to boogie with his buddies.

We're the old folks now. We all want to dance with the kids but we're somewhere between reckless youth and too self conscious old folks. We laugh when we realize how long its been since we felt like he does. Time passes so quickly. Blink once and you'll miss it all. Suddenly, I feel like I can't get enough of it with my nieces and nephews. I love them all. I'm a lucky aunt and I'm proud to call them mine.

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