Sunday, August 25, 2013

Saving me from plain water....

One sentence... Thank God for this....

Whole 30 with the flu-Day 5

Ok, guys, I know... I owe you a couple workouts, so I'll get that out of the way first.

Wednesday I did a functional Upper Body day:
A1. BB Row 3x6
A2. DB Press 3x6

B1. Wide PD 3x6
B2. Bench Press 3x6

C1. Hammer Curls 3x6
C2.  Dips 3xmax

D1.  Rollouts 2x10
D2.  Side crunches 2x15

The lift felt really good. That's one of the things that I really love about this Whole 30 experience.  At least in the gym I'm feeling really great.  My runs are a bit different story.  I ran 5 miles on this day, too.  The first 4 miles was great, but on mile 5 it felt like I hit the wall.  It was almost without warning, too.  I'm hoping that it's something that will improve, because if not, then I'll be adding some oats back into my diet.  

Thursday was lower body:
A1. DB split squat 3x8
A2. BB OH Squat 3x8 (This is the first time I've done these, and I LOVE them! They feel amazing!)

B1.  DB Step Ups 3x6
B2.  Rev Curtsey Lunges 3x6

C1. Static Wall Squat 3x1min
C2. Bridges (1 legged) 3x10

D1. Rev Crunch 2x12
D2.  Bosu Crunch 2x15

My run Thursday felt better.  I did the five mile trail loop at Cheatham Hill, and though I wasn't blazing fast, it felt a LOT better.  No burnout today.

I only got in 14 miles this week, but the fact is, I came down with this awful flu on Thursday night.  It started with ONE cough, and by Friday am, I was DONE.... I haven't run or lifted since then.  I was hoping to wake up feeling better today, but it doesn't seem to have happened.  I'll probably stay home again tomorrow and break down and go to the Doctor for some meds!

Now, for the Whole 30 update.  I hate to admit it, but Friday I slipped.  When I got home from my pathetic attempt at going in to work I just felt like death.  It was like all of the intense training I've been doing, and my work, and my client load caught up with me at one time.  I have never been so hungry in my life.  I ate veggies until I thought that I would throw up. Finally, at dinner time I couldn't take it anymore.  I had.... a bowl..... of.... Oatmeal.... and... a tortilla. 

Yes, I know it's weak.  My husband has made it through a weekend with two teenage girls, Pizza, Doritos, Cookies and Fast-food around.  I've never been so proud of him.  Still, if the worst that I do is a bowl of Oats and tortilla is the biggest slip for the 30 day, then I feel happy.   I've managed to rid myself of gum, diet soda and equal in my coffee.  It could be worse!

OK, so, as I go I want to share with you a find from Whole Paycheck today... Kelp Noodles!  They're legal on the Whole 30, and I'll be trying them in stir fry tonight! If you've eaten them, I'd love to know your thoughts!

Friday, August 23, 2013

Pictures of food

This was lunch.  Boars head low sodium roast beef with peppers, onions, mushrooms and spinach sautéed in coconut oil!!! Yummy!

Today's run...
Afterward I did an upper body weight training session!

Can we be real here? (Part 1)

As I write this, I am alternating between coughing my head off, and taking sips of my unsweetened iced coffee.  I just told my Dad that I hadn't been sick in years.  Clearly, the cosmos found this funny!  Last night I started coughing, and today I'm not working and I'm pretty sure that there is a small troll sitting on my chest today.

Because I'm home I thought that I would share some of my feelings about this process so far.  I have to admit that I have never been one for total elimination when it comes to food.  Like any trainer I fully support the idea that if your particular body doesn't tolerate something then you absolutely shouldn't include it in your diet.  So, for those with celiac or gluten allergies or peanut allergies, I obviously wouldn't advise eating those things.  I will admit that some foods have been shown to have inflammatory properties, so we should keep them to a minimum.   Additionally, we ought to be eating the MOST minimally processed foods we can.  Even before attempting this "reset" with the Hubs I was a perimeter grocery shopper (Obscene amounts of leafy greens and lean meat!).

Dinner: Roast Chicken with Brussels and sweet potato (soooo yummy!)

My reasons for trying this are less about the food intolerances and more about getting rid of the nasty little chemicals in my diet and the lack of thought going into my food choices.  I have a tendency to inhale food without being mindful of WHAT I'm consuming and how it makes me feel.  My dependency on artificial sweeteners, gum, and diet sodas was out of control.

First, the positive thoughts on all of this... Surprisingly, I don't miss the cream in my coffee all that badly or the Equal.  I find that I actually like coffee.  I don't know that I would ever have discovered that with out doing this process.  Chewing gum has finally lost its hold on me so my jaw doesn't ache all the time and I'm not drinking diet soda.  Simply cutting those two items has saved me money to the tune of at least 20 bucks this first week.  Yay! Win!

I'm enjoying the burst of creativity that seems to come with having a new and somewhat untested pantry to work with.  This week I'll be trying to do my first green curry which thrills me.  Despite not having rice to eat along side, I have a cauliflower waiting for me in the fridge that will be transformed for my first attempt at "paleo-rice"!  (I can just see my husband rolling his eyes now!)  I'll probably play with making compliant date-walnut bars this week as both Mr. Bean and I are craving something sweet, and these are legal.  The directions not to mix 100% cocoa with dates seems a bit arbitrary and militant, and since the developers of the Whole 30 idea can't seem to give concrete reasons for why, I'm calling BS and I'll move forward to delicious combos of some kind!  Once I come up with something that I like, I'll take pics and post the recipe!

Another reason that I agreed to give this a go is my energy levels.  Going in I knew that I needed to supplement my heavy running and lifting schedule with BCAAs as I wasn't recovering between workouts fast enough.  I also knew that my energy levels were totally off, and I felt sluggish and crappy most of the time.  Since one of the touted benefits is stabilized and increased energy and performance I was willing to give it a go.  I'm happy to report that I have experience BOTH of these since starting this on Monday.  I don't have that mid-day drop in energy.  I feel good, like, REALLY good!  Instead of crashing out at 7:30 in the evening I go strong till bedtime!  Which brings me to the increase in the quality of my sleep!  Since the beginning of this I've slept the sleep of the dead. It's WONDERFUL!!! If I get nothing more than better sleep from this WHOLE process I'm happy!

Whoo Hoo!!! Running Full Out!!!😜

In my next post, I'll update the things that haven't thrilled me about the Whole 30.  We're headed into our first weekend!  Wish us luck!

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Musings and day 3

As a personal trainer, fire fighter and an athlete who lifts heavy and runs, I was concerned about how this whole 30 thing was going to work so that I don't under eat.  I've had a tendency in the past to under feed myself which leads to drops in performance, slow recovery and a foggy brain.  I mention all this to say, that despite my calories being seemingly low I'm feeling REALLY great.  The last 2 days I've slept really well, and I notice that my energy has been steady and up.  I will admit that I am coming off a 4 day training break, but even so, I notice the difference.

I often work with my clients trying to break their sugar habit, and I've heard how tough that it can be.  We've been taught that carbohydrates are our primary source of energy.  Recent studies have shown that we can use fats just as well, medium chain triglycerides specifically.    I'm trying to test that theory for myself.  I have always been fat phobic, but I have to say that so far in the last couple days my two favorite meals have been a beef veggie soup made with virgin coconut oil and breakfast yesterday, banana almond butter omelet.  That omelet?  Oh. MY. Goooooodness.  I'll be having it again, and I'll post the pictures to this post later on.

If I get nothing out of this whole experience other than mindfulness of my eating then I will be happy.  Since buying our house, planning and getting married, and dealing with the increased (WONDERFUL) social life that comes with it all, my clean eating tendencies had gotten out of wack.  

Since Mr. Bean is joining me in this reset, it make self discipline easier.  I like the sense of order it gives me.  More than that, I enjoy know that I won't have the anxiety I usually do about eating on the weekend.  I used to dread the weekend in the back of my head knowing that despite the week's perfect meal choices I would throw myself into the weekend's cocktails and poor food choices, and it would set me back at square one.

Peace of mind.  That's a pretty sweet thing to take away from this whole experience.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Day 2... What do you mean no oatmeal?!

This morning was the first craving.  Yesterday's morning was a little like steering a toddler away from a hot stove, awkward, but not difficult.  Today was a different story.  I woke up hungry... Bear hungry.  It took all the sleepy resolve I had to not break out the oatmeal.  Ilike omelets   but they never leave me with that full feeling.  

I'm really thankful that Mr. Bean is in this with me, too.  The competitive nature of the two of us gives me more incentive to stick with it. I suppose that I have admit that sometimes it takes more than my own will to keep me committed to a goal.  

I'm hoping that this blog will serve as a way to keep track of my state of mind through this process.  If it makes me slow down and take note of how I'm really feeling about things, so much the better.  Regardless, if I can consistently stick with the blog, I think I'll be more successful.  I want to be honest here, and I need to succeed for me.  If I can help someone along the way that's just the cherry on top!

Monday, August 19, 2013

Whole 30 Challenge

No milk in my coffee? Yup.  No oatmeal? Check... One meal in.  I got this.
And, now the first workout is complete.  Here it is:
Cardio:  4 mile run at 9:14 min mile
Weight training:  
Squats: 4x5, 5, 3, 3
Deadlifts: 4x5, 5, 5, 3, 3
Front Squat: 3x5
RDL: 3x5

Core: 2x15

My postworkout was a scoop of Protein powder and 5oz of mixed frozen berries.  If the month remains relatively CALM, then I THINK that I can probably do this without freaking out!  I'm supplementing with BCAAs, Fish OIls, and a multi-vitamin!

In other news,  Mr. Husband is doing this with me.  He had a moment of reality that he REALLY did not enjoy this morning, so I think that he may stick with this.  He's never had trouble with lifting, but I'm hoping that he takes his cardio a bit more seriously.  I worry about his heart.  The best part of Paleo/ Whole 9 is that it gets more healthy greens into his diet.  

Now?  I'm off to the store.  Time to stock up our Whole 9 pantry!