Wednesday, March 11, 2015

The First Half of Something REAL

Sigh! I always start with the best intentions! I will write a journal entry at least once a week! I start strong and then...

      Ugh. I am lame. The prompts for the Journal 52 weren't speaking to me. The truth is that I write best when I hear something in my own heart that sends my fingers flying over the keyboard.

I met with my Nursing advisor today. She was not what I would call a "spitfire", Awkward is a word I might use. The good news is that she told me nothing shocking as regards the number of classes that I need in order to begin my program in the fall. The bad? Well, it's gonna take 3 years to get that BSN. No way, it seems that I'm getting out faster.

I find that TOTALLY unacceptable. I have two degrees already. A BS from FSU and a Masters from SUNY Binghamton. Can't we count some of that toward this? No? Oh, well, ok. I guess that I'll be checking those squares off because my soul can't STAY IN THE FIRE SERVICE for more than I have to. I promise that I'll be talking to God alot for the next three years. I'll be praying for grace, patience and the ability to trust him. I have a bad track record of ignoring his voice when he speaks calmly to me. The goal now is to genuinely lean into his embrace so that I can make it through all of this intact.